Wait, what “rear-wheel-drive offering” do they want to apply to“potentially Jeep”?
Wait, what “rear-wheel-drive offering” do they want to apply to“potentially Jeep”?
This ridiculous heap of nonsense deserves to be consigned to the scrap heap of history and heeded only as a cautionary reminder. All of its complexity, all of its capability, all are meaningless in comparison to its single apocalyptic fault: the nose tilts the wrong direction. End of story.
Now is an excellent time to do Minnesota, Wisconsin, and northern Michigan on the North Country Trail; at this time of year, mosquitoes have virtually vanished, and trail temperatures are perfect for staying cool without being cold. A lot more wildlife and geology is visible due to the deciduous understory losing its…
Put up or shut up, Toyota: bring one to Baja this year. Not because it’s a good idea for you, just because I want to see you and the Raptor head to head, for funsies.
No, I was making a joke. I don’t personally hate groups of people, preferring instead to base my hatred on individual characteristics. As far as I’ve been able to tell, the rate of assholes per capita doesn’t change with income.
I would daily this (on the Canadian border). Well, I’d sell someone those stupid wheels first, but I’d daily this.
It all looks so familiar! I gave up entirely on the blower wiring and just figured out which leads produced “medium” and soldered them together, but once you’ve replaced the resistor module on the blower, just buy one of these and you’ll be all set: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000C7ZOHU/
I’d still like to ISO 3888 test on my lifted doorless Cherokee with no front or rear anti-sway bars, because I’m interested in trying out for the world record for “dying in a motor vehicle”.
Its mouth looks like it had a couple too many shots of Novocaine.
“Sleek” is an interesting word choice. I think I’d have gone with something like “chunky” or “lumpen” or “bloated”, but okay.
No, never. I don’t let mechanics work on my car; I don’t let anyone but my daughter drive my car. There’s no way I’m handing my car to strangers and hoping for the best. Scenarios that instantly pop into my head:
This thing is one of those concepts that’s too messy and ahead of its time, but that points the way toward a different future. It’ll fail, but those ideas that worked will live on in successful cars for decades to come.
No love for Audi, BMW X-Drive cars, or anything more than, like, 2 minutes old? I guess my suggestions - XJs and CJs and YJs, oh yeah - would be RIGHT OUT.
And is it just me, or have they sped up the video rather a lot? I understand they don’t want it to be boring, but speeding the video up makes the car look like it’s performing at a rate it simply isn’t.
I really wish she’d stop saying “Ford says this isn’t their problem”, when that’s not even a little what Ford said. Ford said she can’t return the vehicle, because WTF, of course you can’t, but that they’ll fix it under warranty. That’s them saying it’s their problem, and they’ll fix it for you. Not as fast as you’d…
Guh! Design-wise, the exterior of that car is a total mess. Pick a line, and follow it through, people. Pick a shape, and follow it through, people. (And maybe less pointless detailing, although I might be old-fashioned about that one.) The side view literally looks like three or four different cars photoshopped…
In years when autonomy is standard (possibly required), I wonder how autonomous vehicles will deal with the snow, extreme weather, and possibly off-road.