
I think it’s “six nine”?

the reddest of flags.

“I want me and my gf to have that Luke/Leia chemistry!

Why *anyone* would want to have a Scott/Ramona relationship is beyond me.

The book is worse. Take movie-Bateman, and crank it to 11.

Pro Tip for the first guy:

He sincerely creeped me out in this one.

oh yeah, when I finish the story in open-world games, the game is done. It loses it’s urgency, mystery, and magic.

Started it, enjoyed it for a bit, then got the ‘ol wandering eye for another game and bailed. 

Yeah, screw Twitter.

When you believe in an omniscient higher power that controls your destiny, it’s very easy to rationalize contradictory behavior.

Same. Fair point.

I appreciate your candor and cool-headed responses.

Oh c’mon, man.

I mean, we can disagree that the punishment was or wasn’t befitting the crime.

It sounds like he did it to protect his employees and discourage that kind of customer misconduct in the future.

Amen. Is stealing not a fucking crime anymore?

Seems like a valuable lesson for both the parents and the kid:

Nah, man. Waffle House scratches that greasy-spoon-breakfast-dive itch better than anyone.

omg thank you.