
Facebook for mobile?

At least they have a nice flag.

So true.

Emotion? No. Trollface? Yes.

Donut Halo, yummy!

Lynx is awesome. ^^

So true. Sorry Windows laptop users.

I like it.

Can you buy something like that? How is it called?

Looks interesting, but $2 for a bookmarklet?

I'd guess like the video one.

Wait a moment, let me get this thing called iPad. I'll check that.

The blackberry bump (aka bbb).

Just wait and Apple will come up with some 12-core Mac Pro-like-phone with iOS X on it.

Sadly it's purchasable already.

It's the same with the "Reeder" App for iPad and iPhone. I get to the home page if I want to view the Article page. Although it's not happening in Google Reader itself and "Reeder" for Mac.

Put a sombrero on it?

This badge is the ugliest thing on earth.

Isn't there this rule? You can pirate for studying purposes. I think so.

I also use it for that. I live in Europe and all the good shows are on american Channels. To see them here you have to wait a year and then they aren't in english.