
- liam hemsworth
- alexis bledel
- mischa barton
- blake lively
- amber heard
- robert pattinson
- seth rogen (he just plays himself all the time, in various amusing situations, PROVE ME WRONG)
- will ferrell (he invented ron burgundy and has been doing that in every movie since)

YES. omg i never realized that but you’re so correct. that fucker never sparked any joy for me and it’s time to get rid of it!!!!

y'all. i'll pay someone to take mine. it's never been used, never will be. if there's someone out there who needs it, i will hand it over so, so happily. 

i love marvel movies and equally love how absurd and pointless and campy they are. this review was a delight!

i just don't understand why they had to CGI him from scratch??? like just use a real dog? that is white? and you can CGI some red eyes or furrier fur or w/e, but look HBO i just saved you loads of money and we got more ghost. 

is that thigh thing even comfortable? why would it go on the inside? you’d have to have a gun-width thigh gap to fit it without it being so uncomfortable, right? and is a gun heavy, like are you going to be hitching up your thigh holster all night? and is it just a wrap so the metal is against your skin or is there a

yooooo el alfa i need a referral for tu dentista asa-fuckin-P!!! por favor!!!!

it was very charming and i enjoyed the 92 minutes i spent with them, but i didn’t immediately forget it because i have two lingering issues that were just...never addressed.


man what is the production budget for a kpop video? there were like 45 sets there, 96 costume changes, some cgi. 

work his wildling magick ’pon your mons!

i....really like that why don't we song. it's cute. and do we not do macklemore? he's cheesy but seems alright?

question is kacey musgraves the love child of jenny lewis & stevie nicks second question* she looks fucking incredible.

hey how do you say that word? “toil” like hard labor? is it more like “tool”?

god i stan AOC so hard. her policies are sound, her skin is flawless, her comebacks are fire, her dancing is dorky, and her heart is gold. praying i get to cast a vote for her presidency one day.


i only know lindy from her jezebel career and the work she’s done after, but even i was comparing what i “knew” about who and how she was to aidy’s portrayal of her. it must be wild to actually know her and then watch something like this. how could you not try to find slivers of people you know or experiences you were

woah r u me??? had a fling with shinee’s “ring ding dong,” forgot about kpop for a while, then a brief dalliance with bigbang’s “bad boy,” and forgot again. then came “fantastic baby” and it was over for me. now i’ve been to shows from shinee, g-dragon, taeyang, and bts once with tickets to their next show in may, and

100% agreed on coup d’etat. i saw him in concert and he absolutely KILLED it, such a great show. surely he’s not done creating music, on top of all the production & writing he does for others.

i am BLOWN AWAY by seungri!! i always got the feeling he felt a little pushed to the background of the group, being the maknae and all, even though they were all grown men. but i’m just so surprised that his response was “drugs and drugged women.” i can’t even figure out what his motivation was. it’s not like he was