I will look it up!
I will look it up!
I’ve never used mustard on anything but a burger or hot dog! That sounds interesting and I will try it.
Is correct temp always medium? So around 4-5 on a numbered stove?
You all are so helpful, thank you!
Ooh it uses rice vinegar! An ingredient I purchased because it made me feel grown up but which I didn’t know how to actually use. Thank you!
See now that makes sense. I didn’t understand why I had to live with hair I didn’t want for months in order to get the hair I did want eventually (maybe). I’m glad you cleared that up, I won’t let them try to convince me otherwise.
Don’t be sorry! I’m so hopeless. I realized earlier today that I’ve lived away from home for several years and have not learned to cook at all. I eat wraps or noodles every day. EVERY DAY. I put pre mixed spices on the meat and throw it into a wrap with some veggies and sour cream. With noodles I had the problem of…
See when people say these things I think duh! Why didn’t I think of that? But in the moment I’m all shit shit this is so plain WHAT DO I ADD??
Your hair is amazing!
Thank you thank you! I’m so glad you put OR with the ginger because I hate ginger!
Fast, simple and minimal ingredients sounds perfect! I will definitely check them out, thank you!
Someone else recommended that as well, I’ll definitely check it out, thank you!
I will look into that, thank you!
I have looked into classes but they seem to focus on preparing certain recipes vs overall skill. And the food is always stuff I don’t eat. Maybe I’ll branch out a little further though. Thanks for the tips!
I LOVE cheese but I’ve been using a grill for meats (and avoiding cheese) but I will try that, thanks!
I will look up Thug Kitchen, thanks!
I will keep this in mind! They always try to encourage smaller rods because “it will loosen up” but I can’t live with the in between result.
Do you know anyone who has had it done successfully? I would LOVE if this worked because then I will do it for sure.
Thank you!