Just curious on what you base your position - you haven't given any argument other than "yes, it's hypocrisy".
Just curious on what you base your position - you haven't given any argument other than "yes, it's hypocrisy".
My daughter just came out to me, so I think I have a sense of how difficult that moment was for you. I'm truly sorry that they reacted the way they did. Please please know that it was not a reflection on you AT ALL. You are wonderful, just as you are. Unfortunately they have been socially conditioned to a narrow point…
Is it really hypocrisy? When men have thousands of years of discrimination against and oppression of women? And it's likely that women, while someday they *may* (wishesuponastar) be equal to men, will never hold that position over men? Isn't it kind of like affirmative action? And, as another commenter points out,…
Ha ha! As much as I loathe that entire franchise, it's the first thing that leapt to mind. Glad you enjoyed it!
Those young girl/pack of dogs/meadow scenes never end well...
Yes, the skullet is an atrocity against humanity.
To clarify, I was referring to Trump's cronies, and then Trump himself (not Wiener's cronies/Wiener).
Wow. If Anthony Wiener is a sexual pervert and deviant for texting a shirtless selfie to a woman not his wife, what does that make some of his other conservative cronies??!!
Kudos to you for recognizing and making better choices. Not easy, as evidenced by your siblings. Well done.
It's a little like writing, "Barack Obama, President of the United States", as opposed to "President Barack Obama". Seems the gentleman deserves to be addressed by his proper title, with an explanation after for those who don't understand gaelic. In other words, the proper way to have addressed the gentleman would…
kittens always take teh playin' way more serious than puppies...
'Tis a thing of beauty. Well done!
I prefer uncircumcised peen. Make a machine that adds a foreskin to a carrot and I will buy that.
So sorry this happened. This is actually a "thing" now, and a few guys have been arrested. Odds are it wasn't a 14 year old boy, it was a grown man who does this to multiple girls. You should turn any information you have on him over to the police, now that they are (finally) taking this shit seriously.
Shame on designers for continuing to perpetuate an unhealthy look springing from unhealthy habits. Sadly, the youngest of the girls is one of the worst - you can practically see her skeleton. Ten pounds would not make any difference on any of these models.
I don't have disdain for anyone's faith. I have disdain for people who try to shove their faith down everyone else's throat when all they wanted was a flippin' burger, not a sermon. You want to walk around in a yarmulke or a burka, knock yourself out. Go to church, or temple, or your mosque, do whatever you want in…
Well, we've come full circle. I think that printing a bible verse on a cup, which might discourage people of other faiths from patronizing that restaurant, is discriminatory. You do not. Perhaps some day a court will solve the matter for us.
Lol. Last I checked, we do live in a country of secular rule. It's called the separation of church and state. And that separation extends to businesses, in that just because a business is privately held, doesn't mean that it may discriminate in public matters. The Boy Scouts can discriminate, because they are a…
Uh, symbols can be symbols of discrimination and thus perceived as discriminatory. I think if you ran a business and started plastering swastikas on your packaging, you'd get tagged pretty quickly. And feelings do have a bearing on constitutional law, because assessing someone's feelings is how it is determined…
Interesting side note. I happened to mention this thread to a friend of mine who used to work in advertising. In fact, one of her clients was a certain burger chain that likes to inscribe bible passages on their packaging. In addition to a litany of stories highlighting the family's hypocrisy when it came to religion,…