
I don't like the idea that a non-christian family could be enjoying their double double and spot the label and then suddenly the air is gone from their balloon. And I don't think you need christian values to treat your employees well. Nor do you need secular values to treat your employees like shit. I'll take my combo

Actually, yes!

Love the burgers. Not thrilled about the Bible verses printed on the wrappers. I honestly go less frequently because of it. (And refuse to patronize Chik-Fil-A at all.)

There's another dude on the East Coast who is a similarly well known PUA douchebag. (Sorry I can't remember his name.) I liked his online personals profile and sent him a message. He responded ordering me to send him some "real" photos that weren't taken in a washed out photo booth. (My profile pic was a series of B/W

So, burkas are magical force fields that prevent men from touching whomever is wearing it? #invisibilitycloak #someonesbeenreadingtoomuchharrypotter #facepalm

So guess we should just let the swastikas and confederate flags fly? I mean, they're just old symbols from before anti-semitism and racism were frowned upon have since just been a tradition.

"Why couldn't a wife be drag racing her Mitsubishi Eclipse in a strip mall parking lot with her 19-year-old intern after hard day at the office while hubby binge-watches Cake Boss and tries hard to ignore the sound of his half-dozen children tearing bite-sized chunks out of his sanity?"


Does the Rape Van look modern to you?

They all die when a meteor hits 30 Rock. Sowwie.

Why are we enabling a Planet of the Apes scenario??!!

I fully intend to rock the grey hair - as soon as I get enough so that it looks cool. Right now, just random strands which looks kind of meh.

Ha ha that was my thought. Oh, to be moderately deluxe...

Wrong Ron. I'm taking about the billionaire financier, Ron Perelman, not the actor Ron Perlman.

Some would classify feminists as a hate group!

Nothing makes you a feminist quicker than men constantly valuing you - or devaluing you - for your physical appearance.

Ha! And thanks!

Why, thank you!

I won! I won! I've never won anything before! Er, what do I win? Lol. Thanks!

I considered that, but felt finance was in general more accurate; far more of those yutzs head into finance than radio.