
Man, you've said this so many times by now. It's like your defining character trait. Joey is a sex machine, Monica's anal retentive, Scrawler is a recovering Friends hater.



Yes, somehow his friendship with both the other guys was traded in for stupid relationship shit and the school. Chandler got to be good at his job; Joey never had to be anything but Joey. Ross turned into an idiot who couldn't have got an undergrad.

Yes, somehow his friendship with both the other guys was traded in for stupid relationship shit and the school. Chandler got to be good at his job; Joey never had to be anything but Joey. Ross turned into an idiot who couldn't have got an undergrad.

Rachel in a plaid mini and sweater is merely God revealing himself unto man.

Rachel in a plaid mini and sweater is merely God revealing himself unto man.

Gone the way of the Snowman, I guess.

Gone the way of the Snowman, I guess.

When he whips into Monica's apartment wearing his milk moustache for the first time; gold.

When he whips into Monica's apartment wearing his milk moustache for the first time; gold.

"Guess I better not do any… I dunno…lunges!"

"Guess I better not do any… I dunno…lunges!"

Here's to  @avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus . Our sister or brother gettin' the cheap eyewear on the "I got fucked over" plan! God bless.

Here's to  @avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus . Our sister or brother gettin' the cheap eyewear on the "I got fucked over" plan! God bless.

@Scrawler2:disqus  , @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus  — Scrawler you should probably not worry too much, you've apologized more times than Ross said "we were on a break".

@Scrawler2:disqus  , @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus  — Scrawler you should probably not worry too much, you've apologized more times than Ross said "we were on a break".

More food stuff — the Jon Lovitz restaurant guy episode. He's smoked a joint before he shows up at Monica's for her to serve him dinner as a chef auditiion

More food stuff — the Jon Lovitz restaurant guy episode. He's smoked a joint before he shows up at Monica's for her to serve him dinner as a chef auditiion

Word on the street is that normal people don't give a shit.