
@avclub-5d213468da8857324393c707fb3f6f67:disqus  - man, I don't know how, but I do. I get what everyone says about it, and god forbid you actually go to a game where you get to sit with your thumb up your butt in the stands, but man I can watch that shit no problem

@avclub-5d213468da8857324393c707fb3f6f67:disqus  - man, I don't know how, but I do. I get what everyone says about it, and god forbid you actually go to a game where you get to sit with your thumb up your butt in the stands, but man I can watch that shit no problem

Yeah, gotta love how guys and gals around here assume that Slanted & Enchanted is America's favourite record of all time. No sweat, right, it's just funny.

Yeah, gotta love how guys and gals around here assume that Slanted & Enchanted is America's favourite record of all time. No sweat, right, it's just funny.

Gotta love a driving-based game that drops you into a giant traffic jam and makes all the bikes handle like garbage. (There was one I liked though, had double headlights and always came in black…got it in some mission where you had to hunt down the four bikes…)

Gotta love a driving-based game that drops you into a giant traffic jam and makes all the bikes handle like garbage. (There was one I liked though, had double headlights and always came in black…got it in some mission where you had to hunt down the four bikes…)

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus  fuck I wish I had been in on this, then I could have in a timely way said something about "Bonnie Prince Billie Sings Greatest Palace Music" and its demonstration that Oldham = country as much as = anything else.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus  fuck I wish I had been in on this, then I could have in a timely way said something about "Bonnie Prince Billie Sings Greatest Palace Music" and its demonstration that Oldham = country as much as = anything else.



@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus  - it's not I don't think so much about volume as about the nonsequituriousness…osity of it. Not many people here give much a fuck about anime. For me, I don't care, I just collapse the posts because they're no fun to read. These anime guys don't insult each other enough.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus  - it's not I don't think so much about volume as about the nonsequituriousness…osity of it. Not many people here give much a fuck about anime. For me, I don't care, I just collapse the posts because they're no fun to read. These anime guys don't insult each other enough.

Well, my first post was going to be along the lines of "OK, so once I collapse Mohd's anime threads, the feeling I get is…"

Well, my first post was going to be along the lines of "OK, so once I collapse Mohd's anime threads, the feeling I get is…"

Without exaggeration I think I can declare this bit the funniest moment in the history of everything.

Without exaggeration I think I can declare this bit the funniest moment in the history of everything.

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus  - take time to check out RL Burnside!

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus  - take time to check out RL Burnside!

He kind of looks like he should be a grandma on Toddlers and Tiaras

He kind of looks like he should be a grandma on Toddlers and Tiaras