
The crazy ex who dyed my cat green and pawned all of my shoes drove a [redacted]*. I assume anyone driving a [redacted] is just as crazy.

Agreed, and do we need articles on every little thing about Tesla?

Nope, fuck that. If the nozzle reaches, I’m taking an available pump. Not gonna sit behind the 2 mooks that are waiting for the one pump that “matches” when there are 2-3 open ones that are completely cromulent for the task.

Me too.

I’ll probably catch some heat for this, but the new Accord looks like the “boring car” used in a 90's car commercial where the world is filled with the same grey non-descript car and then the red, exciting car appears and stands out against the sea of mediocrity.

I once got a Chrysler Sebring sedan as a loaner while my car was being serviced. It was grey on grey. Drove very grey and left me grey. Absolutely forgettable except for being so forgettable.

I’m in the same boat as you, but unfortunately this site is the car blog for people who hate cars. 🤷‍♂️

Does anyone else hate the cyber truck but love that it exists? It’s ugly, impractical, barley a truck, but I am happy that they are being built and bought.

One HELL of a headline pairing, guys!

74hp? Wow. My Mercury Tracer (Escort with different badges) had more. 20% more!

Ferrari F150. It doesn’t have a bed or 4x4.

My cousin had one that I got roped into working on. What a pile of crap. 

It’s going to be very hard to top this pile of utter filth. 

So… Jalopnik’s last attempt to use insurance data to shit on Tesla didn’t work out as well, so you wanted to try again with different data?

The answer still is

Now playing

tail end o your comment reminded me of a clip from So i married an axe murderer- longish youtube sequence, part of interest comes in at 2:44.

Been there, done that. Still doing it with this little Si. I’ve needed to address the two main problem areas of the 8th Gen, the A/C compressor and the rear struts, but it has been wonderful. I’m starting to grow wary of parking this rolling thief bait at the mall. I don’t want to lose it and nothing on the new car

Why did they name it after an adult film actress?

I’m going to really push your “no judgements” proviso.

First, it’s “judgments”.

Second, I have a 2002 manual Toyota Echo that I got for literally free and I’ve put more than 20,000 miles on it in the past year. After years of VW ownership, I’m in awe of its craptastic and tiny form that consistently runs and starts

If I’m a passenger, it probably means my wife is driving.