
Good looking to be sure, but I wish they wouldn’t have gone the same route as the sedan and also-good looking Prius with the hidden rear door handles. Goth Uncle Adrian would not approve.

The Autopian

So, could we say that the grille slats are ribbed for our pleasure?

Honda has had some fantastic green colors that, unfortunately, only saw limited use. I suggested the del Sol’s Samba Green, and the Paradise Blue-Green Pearl that was only offered in 1995 on various coupe models (del Sol, Prelude, Integra, and regular Civic) was pretty nifty, too.

I have and always will believe that the Honda Civic del Sol’s Samba Green is the best factory color ever offered. It was so emblematic of everything that made small, sporty-ish, fun cars of the 90's so great. I wish Honda would have found a way to work this color into some of their other low volume models, like maybe

Like the article itself, I meant for the comment to be a bit tongue-in-cheek. Looking back over it, I can see how that could be easily misconstrued, though. 

This sounds like the behavior of someone that suffers major mental illness, not a rational human of sound mind. The original article mentions that one of the witnesses thought the person was homeless, which would support the idea that they are a few jokers short of a Balatro deck.

For anyone that has used this or any other L2 ADS, is it more stressful than simply driving without it? I have no experience with it, but it seems like it would add an additional layer to the complexity of driving. Not only do you have to worry about monitoring other drivers and their human mistakes, but also the ADS

Neither the service department nor I could ever figure out why the key for my 1995 Dodge Neon got permanently stuck in the ignition. It would let you turn the car on and off, but the thing simply wouldn’t come out.

I believe the newest Hyundai family vehicles are now rolling out with the updated infotainment system that has wireless smartphone mirroring across all trims.

Oh yeah, those was pretty bad, too. Even worse was the weird egg-shaped Si hatchback, but at least it had that kind of interesting center column mounted manual. I skipped over to Acura during this period to indulge in the much nicer RSX Type-S.

Oh yes, agreed 100%. It was awful then and still awful now. I do remember everything from Chrysler to Nissan rocking this look, but Toyota was the most egregious. And it wasn’t even limited to their lower-tier brands like Scion and Toyota; if you look at a Lexus RX from that era it is swathed in the same AIWA stereo

Even though I am guilty of owning a post-refresh model, I thought the 9th-gen Civic looked dated the moment it was released and hasn’t aged well, especially the launch 2012 model. Despite being a good car, it’s looks were dowdy, uninspired, and forgettable. It’s still a Honda Civic and came with all the positives that

Nissan will ride the floating roof until someone pries the design from their cold, dead hands.

He definitely has a signature style. You can clearly see the influences on the Fisker Karma in the front/rear fascia and the headlights/taillights.

Funny how the setting in which the car is photographed can tell me as much about the neglect this car has endured than pictures of the car itself. Judging by the weeds creeping through the driveway cracks, the dirty garage door, and the unkempt bushes that are literally resting on the canvas top, I’d say this Miata

I would also like to thank Jalopnik and all the G/O Media sites for reminding me of society’s terrible obsession with materialism, excess, and capitalism as my computer’s CPU is brought to its knees under the weight of all the browser ads.

Exactly. Wouldn’t donating it to someone in need, like a victim of domestic abuse that is trying to get back on their feet and can’t afford a car, be a better use case? I feel that would do the world more good than rendering a $40k car worthless in the name of art.

I would assume that with the Cybertruck just having launched recently the other trucks have been in the SpaceX fleet for a while. Plus, with the sharp depreciation EVs are taking, it probably doesn’t make sense to decommission and sell them if they are serving their intended purpose.

I would say the Corvette has undergone some substantial changes in the way it looks throughout the years. If you showed a non-enthusiast a picture of the C1 and C8 side-by-side, I doubt they would say the former looks like the ancestor of the later. There are even some notable design departures in between, from the C1