
In 1992, they hated Hillary Clinton because she and Bill took away what they had come to regard as theirs by right in because they'd held the presidency for 20 of the prior 24 years. And in 1992, the professional bloviators like Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing guys were just hitting their stride, with

The problem with Hillary Clinton is that the GOP spent 20 years teaching a generation of kids to hate Hillary Clinton. Basically, the anti-Hillary media campaign was nearly as effective as the anti-smoking media campaign. It just didn't seem as effective in real time because it took a generation for the effects to

"director of two of the best superhero movies ever"

Police scientists earn about $60k per year on average with a high range of about $85k. Along with whatever Iris makes at her job, this isn't exactly a Friends situation. Barry and Iris could probably afford their apartment pretty comfortably, since Barry doesn't need to own a car, with all the expenses that go along

Clearly, Ryan Reynolds was snubbed. Some sort of malevolent politicking at work within the Academy.

When watching Suicide Squad, I kept being reminded of that 1995 Western with Sharon Stone called The Quick and the Dead. Not necessarily because the plots were anything alike, but because of the character that Lance Henrikson played named Ace Hanlon. On the surface, the guy seems like the perfect badass. He's got a

I'm not necessarily opposed to them either, but the time I have to consume 'stuff' on a yearly basis is not infinite. All things being equal, geography is just as valid an arbitrary measure of dividing up what I do see from what I don't see as anything else is. Would I like to see some good, quality foreign films

Why? To make it so there are 10 movies the vast majority of the voters and viewing audience have never heard of?

Some can be. On the other hand, some of them can be pretty good. Just like any genre of films, superhero films have their bettor efforts and their worse efforts. If you aren't into them, then they aren't your thing and that's cool.

I imagine if you're watching any movie only because a specific performer is in it, the chances are pretty high you aren't really going to be invested in it.

I'm pretty sure this is a one and done season if it makes it that far.

Apparently this is less based on Old Man Logan than we were led to believe, since I do not get a 'gross, incestuous Hulk, who ends up eating Wolverine and dying because he did so' vibe from it.

I can't get upset with the Underworld movies. I can get upset that Kate Beckinsale decided to do these for the rest of her life instead of having an actual career.

Cute as she was, JIll Schoelen was not Jennifer Connelly-esque, as any man who was 20 years old in 1990 could have told you.

Looks like New Mexico to be honest.

I don't think it works like that. I think you can probably have regeneration and allow yourself to go to flab and then still have regeneration and get back into shape. Having regeneration doesn't mean you are a vampire and stuck in that same physical form forever.

I don't think there's really a competition for worst X-Men movie. XO:Wolverine literally only had Liev Scheiber as Sabretooth as its sole saving grace. In addition, it managed to ruin the film appearances of several X-Men characters that could have been pretty good.


Well, in the comics, if I remember correctly, she's actually a female clone of Wolverine, so I suppose their rationalization is that she's really isn't a 'person' so much as just a biogenetic tool they whipped up in a lab.

Am I the only one who just can't take the Power Rangers seriously, no matter how much they jazz up the previews?