I always thought they should port the two Mario Kart arcade games to a console...why waste them on arcades where no one will play them?
I always thought they should port the two Mario Kart arcade games to a console...why waste them on arcades where no one will play them?
I feel bad for anyone who takes all the time you did to berate people for liking something you don't. If "fanboys" are bad, you're worse, lady. :-D
Meh, I'm believing in their "don't be evil" mantra less and less as time goes on.
I've been saying the same thing! I don't want it to end up in the hands of some loser like Yahoo.
Yes. Is.
It's not.
I'm excited to see this, but I'm sure most people will have a huge, dramatic heart attack about it.
Careful Gizmodo, or you might not be invited to any more Apple events.
Haha, I love compromise! Now let's fix the nation debt.
See, my problem was that I wanted more Top 40, current songs and I didn't get as many as I wished...to each his own I guess :-)
*written well
Stolen from Family Guy :-(
I have never, ever understood the appeal of that show.
I just went streaming-only and I'll be actively looking into Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus as alternatives. That's too much of a random price hike for me. Who do they think they are? Sirius/XM?
Mmmmmhmmmm, and I think justice caught a strain of that superclap Gawker's been talking about.
Wow...deep, man.
That would be Gawker.tv
I would SO prefer a Roseanne show revival.