@Lackshmana: I was so hoping someone with a star would say that.
I'm pretty excited: for now I'll have a shitload of people moving OFF of my network and later on I'll have a choice of carriers :-)
@Wittyname: I love the shoehorned-in Steve Jobs reference.
@Adah: But, will the glasses play La Cucaracha?
@Archaotic: You fascinate me.
@Archaotic: You poor thing, you're very upset about this. Why not take some NyQuil? Everything will be better in the morning.
@Wade McGillis: Yes, its exactly like a documentary.
@Master Saji: What means this?
@Kardster: Very.
@Kardster: Very.
Can I have a fixed Fat Princess for Christmas?
@Y2KGTP: I believe it's its own program, separate from iTunes.
@a.seivewright: It's not really about not being able to wait 45 seconds, it's about the fact that we shouldn't have to.
@Tom_Servo: I don't think that the problem is using media managers, it's using BAD media managers. I want to be able to sync easily, not go through folders and drag and drop certain songs/videos.
@dgkz0idberg: I had someone from NC try to get into my FaceBook...not good.
@Mike43110: No no, it's not anyone's fault but Gawker's.
@FarmboyinJapan: What is the stated reason for the screaming session? I'm fascinated by this...
PS3 Media Server simply didn't work for me. Never managed to find my PS3. I ended up having to buy Rivet when I switched to my Mac because I had no other viable option.
@shenmue2: It doesn't, though. The people who suck all the fun out of Smash Brothers games still play Brawl online just fine so I'm sure there will be a way for you to do the same here.