
The fact is, Uber's surge pricing is predatory. They hope that drunk people will push through the pages to order a cab without reading carefully, and then be too embarrassed to complain. They hope that at a busy time their customers won't be able to catch a cab, won't have access to public transportation, will be too

You should change your name to BurnerBore

I usually don't get touchy about stuff online, but I think that deriving "careless, entitled imbecile" from my story or assuming that I don't have respect for "priceless works of art" is unwarranted. As I said previously, the event was in a hall that did not have displays. It's not that I don't care. There was just

You seem fun.

This was not an art museum and the event was held in a hall without any works on display. I was far from being the most unruly person there or the only person with a stain-making beverage. I do understand why I was escorted off the premises (stealing is stealing, of course). I just still happen to think the whole

In my small town the thing to do on New Years when you were a teen was to go to the skating rink and take part in a "Lock-In", where they lock the doors and you skate and "party" all night (which meant 1am).

I stand by the fact that this wasn't so bad, but it was funny, and it did get me kicked out of a big gala/party.

please share so i will not also suffer this shame.

Me too, Ben Stiller! Yesterday! *insert sad face*

I am physically incapable of crossing my legs (above the knee), my thighs are just too big. I am also a fairly broad individual, which makes me a transit nuisance at the best of times. But I'm also too tall (6'8") to sit in the regular front-facing seats, so it's side benches or standing for me, regardless.

Of the three major cities I've lived in (London, Boston, Toronto), Toronto is THE FUCKING WORST for public transportation etiquette.

I would adjust the last line to read:

"Equals nine-squared, and nothing more."

I think that if you put our two tries together, we got it. :)

NO! But I've got pretty close, and I'm sure that at least some of the following lines are in the answer.

That's a tough situation and I'm not sure what I would do. I know from my perspective I had to drop people who continued to be friends with him, for several reasons. I didn't want to hear about him, number one. Secondly, he was spinning the story like mad and they were side eying me based on what he was telling them.

Haha, thank you, kind internet stranger. Your friend sounds like the best. I have mostly been congratulated on my classiness given the situation, but if you're friend is anything like me, less than classy thoughts will have certainly floated through her mind on occasion throughout the whole ordeal! I'm now mostly

Thank you, it's important I hear these things from another perspective, as many of my friends have gone a bit silent on the matter.

For a moment I read it as "misshapen bacon"

Yes, but how do you and your sister's friend hack your minds to save that money??????