
Berger has 4 kids and sexts with teenagers he meets on the internet.

This is better than any single play the parent club Canadiens have had all season. Fittingly, the Ice Caps also lost.

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

I like you.

That’s weird. He’s clearly the second best character on the show behind Michonne. You need to talk to somebody about that.

these are the guys that hit on me the bars

They’re not on my list. They’re on a general list that I believe exists for the showrunners. I believe them to be safe - Rick because he’s the series lead and Carol and Daryl because they’re too popular to die. It’s really that simple. I would love for the show to kill off any of them just to prove once and for all

like for me, nothing has topped the gratuitousness of the black dude revolving door

My biggest issue with it is that secondary people are constantly being bitten entirely too easily by some solitary zombie shambling about... and yet a HORDE of them doesn’t as much as nick Glen as he slowly crawls under a dumpster. If it were one or two, I could accept the counter point that maybe they were completly

... the show “went too far” when it insulted the intelligence of the audience with Glen and “Dumpster” gate at the end of last year. The was, as the kids say, WEAKSAUCE.

Right? Ugh, terrible.

Jaqui irks me to no end, because no one cared but Dale flipped that Andrea was gonna stay at the CDC too.

The zombies rape the kid while they eat him alive, BOOM ! you didn’t see that cumming !

How was Jacqui’s gratuitous and/or silly? She chose suicide for some fairly logical reasons, said her goodbyes, and let it happen in as close to a quick and painless way as is available in the post-apocalypse world.

You had a crush on Marcia Clark? LOL

Have you been spying on me? Are you in my house right now?

A disheveled woman in slippers, jeans, and a winter fair isle sweater, JANE, reads these descriptions and despairs. She glances around her home, trudges to the stand of bottles by the window, and, with stunning elegance, opens and swigs from the illegal Cuban rum in one fell swoop. She ponders life in American society

Second breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mandatory for any and all SATC posts.