Joanne Smythe

Yes, this.

This is also a huge misstep as a candidate. If Rubio can’t deliver on a promise for pancakes, how can we trust him to deliver on his campaign promises???

Everyone knows robots can’t eat pancakes. The syrup sticks up their gears.

That is rude as hell to promise pancakes and not deliver. What happened to the pancakes?

Republicans would say she had every chance to buy her own gun and because she didn’t it’s her fault he killed her. What was she thinking, telling a guy she didn’t want to date and forgetting to arm herself?

Yeah this is a three-part disaster: socially conditioned male entitlement, no real system for adequately treating our mentally ill citizens, and far too lax gun laws.

Not only is it believable, Republicans think this is normal. This is the way things were supposed to happen. His right to have a gun to kill her with is more important than her right to life.

Will this never cease to be the truth??

A former girlfriend told the Wisconsin State Journal that O’Kroley had tried to commit suicide in 2014, and that he has been seriously mentally ill for the past decade.

With all the ridiculous anti-choice legislation being created and passed into law these past few years, these last couple of weeks have been a really really necessary dose of vindication.

I had a tough week, but this makes me happy. While forced birthers may not listen to reason, they have no choice but to listen to a judge.

I want her to be aggressive, but that would just be rude. A President should set an example for the nation. Pegging without lube is a bad example for the children. I would even go so far as to say she should use lube . . . liberally.

peg w/o lube!

Yes. Although those words have not been used. But I can not get even a little give on the fact that her experience in life is different in any way that the men she’s running against. A lot of Bernie bros are very adamant that Hillary is a manipulative shrewd fickle power hungry politician. There is no getting through

I will give Hillary every penny of my disposable income if she reurns fire by threatening to peg her Republican opponent.


It’s almost like they should not use violent language in a campaign!!

I’d doubt anyone bigger than a B cup has ever worn a bandeau.

LOL - posted same. That offers support for those lovely puppies.

Last night Sarandon was nominated for a SAG for her performance in The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe;