Joanne Smythe

be thankful, less smelly than sheep! Those yellow eyes do however take some getting used to.

So, I am now really, really hoping that someone writes one of those Amazon political erotica books on what those two were doing in that closet ;-) !!!!!!

Now playing

Since music and images are very helpful in adding context for aliens, I give you Harper Valley PTA as the most appropriate teaching tool!

uggh. this was going on in the stone age when I was starting out - and sad to see it still is. Also, Hillary Clinton - best qualified candidate in any party, being treated like this because, well, there are a bunch of louder, stupider guys in the class who all think they are entitled to it.

absolutely a hero! I hope she does the gun bill as well.

I once stumbled across of a pair of them going at it in a Roman ruin in Turkey - they not only grunt, but at least in this case, there was a lot of clacking going on between their shells. That’s what I heard first, and boy was I surprised when I found the source of the noise!

I hear you! Makes me cringe just thinking about it. Fierce isn’t the word - this woman just ripped open her blouse and let them have it - hurray for her!

Hey, we have to give him credit for one thing - which is showing just how nekkid Emperor Marco was on the debate stage last weekend. Other than that, I’m all in with all the criticism ;-)


aaah, lighten up. He’s “just sayin.” Ok, Ok, I’m just kidding

I try to deal with the human trash can running for president by thinking of him as comic relief until such time as it is clear that enough of the population is absolutely barking mad to nominate him as the republican candidate....

thank you for this wonderful post!

Think you also need to point out that there are a significant number of churches that promote couples sharing email accounts.

I’d like to think you are joking, but I suppose you are not. Go to church, go to the young atheists meeting, get involved in a political campaign, volunteer at one of the countless community organizations that need help. Take a night class at your town’s Rec and Ed.... the list goes on and on. There are lots of ways

Well, not all men are afraid of women laughing at them either. So, of course, it’s not a universally true statement. But, in general, it’s safe to say that women are a lot more worried about men killing them than the reverse. And, women have pretty much long gotten over their fear of men laughing at them because they

You are so right. I’m not into it either, BUT, I feel like looking at this picture of Christie (ugggh) in the context of spanking makes me want to watch FSOG (possibly on endless loop) just to erase this even more hideous image from my mind...

say what? I mean he is an Old White Guy, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t predate the 19th Amendment!

hahahaha you win this thread!!!!

Not always a huge fan of Gaultier but these clothes! Love love love....

Yeah talk about cosmic justice!!!