Joanne Smythe

UIhh, as far as I can tell she did move on from it. But then when she wanted attention again, after we had all forgotten all about her - because she is actually not any more interesting or accomplished than many many other pretty ordinary folks - she decided to move back to it. So, who’s at fault here?

OMG, Paglia was a fake and a bore the first time around in the ‘90’s for chrissakes. Why is ANYONE paying ANY attention to her now?

uhhh, some of us are vegetarians...

Wife and kids not involved, but why didn’t they stop him from pursuing this hideous serial killer hobby?

This is so disgusting that it’s hard to know what to say. I hope that everyone who goes to his dental practice leaves immediately, and he is left flat broke, so that if insists on slaughtering animals it will at least be because he can’t afford to buy meat at the grocery store. Wonder if he would enjoy getting out

it’s ok to be judgemental and snarky about Lululemon, a company built on undermining everything the products it sell are supposed to be about.

Guess it is just a good thing that a whole army of hairy footed hobbits weren’t there to join him, if one little pile of poo was enough to shut things down for 45 minutes...

well, I live in midwest, and have never encountered it. But you’re right - and it was so obvious when I thought about what a Dorito pie would actually be like that it’s very likely someone has already done it. Heads to google to check...

LOLOL! yes, totally a joke! OTOH, you could ummm, toss a bunch of Cool Ranch Doritos, some crisco and a maybe TBspoon of sour cream in your food processor and turn it all mealy, add enough ice water to it to make a lump and then press that into the bottom and up sides of a pie pan to make a crust. Then take 5 eggs,

excellent! Premature ejaculation now comes in all colors! Women around the world are uhhh, not exactly rejoicing....

As bear did not eat any Dorito pie, role of weed unclear....

When will they have a Colorado Pie Bear T-shirt??? I want one!

good point! personally, I think that Serena Williams could do the job better in between Grand Slams and look a lot cooler as well!

uhhh, yeah, because Putin is so SCARED of him?

I LOVE the last line! you are my hero!

sounds like Scalia is confusing this same-sex marriage - if you are involved in “jiggery-pokery” no marriage for you! looking forward to seeing this phrase in his dissent on that one as well!

This. Amazing. Hat.

just another way for anti-choicers to spread lies and misinformation, making it harder for women to exercise agency and control over their own bodies. Uggh, just uggghhh

completely awesome! this is the best description of The Donald EVAH!

my error, I thought you were saying Trump was polling 32%. I see you mean Bernie Sanders.