
Because of course it is. He’s on a mission to teach women their place, and make sure men can be men, which in his view obviously equals rapist. How is this guy still on the bench? Why do I even ask that anymore? Rape apologists, and misogynists are in the judicial everywhere.

People are not allowed to drive while intoxicated. Tattoo parlors are legally prohibited from tattooing intoxicated people.

Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.

This is fucking disgusting. Is this asshole for real? Even using his dipshit logic, this guy was hired to drive a drunk woman home. It was his job. It’s not like they were even on a date, which is when I would be similarly disgusted but less surprised to hear yet another person in a position of authority utter such a

So he doesn’t want his daughter driving with this guy, but it’s okay for that drunk whore, right? But not his respectable daughter.

At .2, you cannot give consent. If you’ve lost consciousness and the ability to control your bladder, you are not able to consent. Why is this even a thing? That judge needs their robe revoked!

So the moral of the story is if you are female and drunk don’t take a cab home because right before you pass out and piss your pants you surely must have given consent to have sex with that unknown cab driver?...This Canadian is speechless (and disgusted)

why does this sound like the most convenient right-wing planted story ever? a black journalist who made up sources and quotes who’s also been threatening JCCs?! did he also participate in spirit cooking with Russian abortionists?

He sounds exactly like the reason I haven’t been in a serious relationship in over 20 years and I probably never will. I’ll take ‘Dying Alone’ for the win, Alex.

At least he acknowledges it...?

John Mellencamp sounds exactly like every person I’ve ever dated. And also like my dad. 🤔

Prediction: it’ll be some young asshole without a job or prospects and a heightened, but baseless, sense of machismo. Some asshole in Vancouver attacked a whole flock of flamingos, whose wings had been pruned so they couldn’t fly away. They caught him later because he was camping in a high fire risk area, with a great

It’s terrible to think that Gustavito was so traumatized that he hid himself away for days. RIP.

I’m really sad the hippo didn’t show these people what hippos are capable of.

What. The. Fuck? Who would just decide to attack a hippo like that? Sometimes I just want to give up on people entirely.

The difference between a functional, reasonably happy, healthy upbringing and a dysfunctional one is like growing up on a different planet.

I have never read so many comments from so many people that really don’t understand what the writer was getting at.