
@Odin: That's exactly the way I am. You are definitely not alone. It's the exact same reason Steam does such a good job of luring me in.

@gabmed: Played the game side by side with my roommate. I definitely wouldn't of lasted all the way through had we not done it together. Waiting for him to raid all the vending machines was a small price to pay for the companionship in such an empty game.

@AreWeThereYeti: The idea of destroying the world in an instant like that felt more real than any alien invasion I'd ever read about. What an awesome book, what an awesome author.

@ianjcm: Fight Club was a better movie than it was book. It may happen rarely but it happens. Also I don't think it really hurts anyone for the movies of the world to be made, it may not be necessary but they're not forcing anyone to watch.

@aec007: They should just replace those keys on a keyboard with ULDR. Make everyone in the world learn how to type again for the sake of gaming.

@tshack: It gives a sneak peak into the culture of the teams behind these games. I liked it.

@AmishKamikaze: The reason I didn't like the move to grav lifts in the sequels was because you could choose to move half way up a ladder and drop down if you saw an enemy. If you jumped up a grav lift, people could camp and shoot you in the air.

@Sleet: I had no idea what you were talking about, then I watched a clip on YouTube and am definitely going to watch the whole soundtrack soon. Thanks for the heads up.

@ColinStein: Honestly the TF2 community is one of the most helpful and calm of all the games I've seen. Modern Warfare 2 on any system is full of whiners and complainers. Racists are all over Live though.

@suckacheese: I think we have two different interpretations of the story here. I think he mailed the CD with child porn, and planted another set of child porn on his bosses computer.

I personally believe you're passing judgement much too quickly.

@Jakooboo- SHARK WEEK.: I'm sure it's a problem they've thought of but just needed a technique that could solve it.

@lance.uppercut: It's totally subtle and in your face at the same time. Sweet.

@Leanid: I don't think the fact that he beat the game makes him a loser, it's the fact that he felt inclined to make a video about it as soon as possible, to send it out to websites.

@Jack Classic: The Taste You Grew Up With: Well I do not agree with you at all. I was having a blast playing through the game with a friend. I was sorely disappointed when I had to leave before we could finish.

@The-Impar: Your collection was definitely better than anything up top. I appreciate your drawings every week.

@TaylorEatWorld: I may be doing it wrong but I twist my wrist around instead of moving my entire arm.