
Well, he is a career politician so brilliance is out the window. He is just a guy that told people what they wanted to hear in order to keep grafting money year over year while spewing racial rhetoric further dividing the country. One of the worst presidents ever, right up there with Carter. I’m sure his supporters

Isn’t that an oxymoron saying Obama and intelligence in the same statement?

Maybe people just can’t stand GM in general, nor Corvettes. I personally do not like Corvettes and will stick with my FCA products. The interior on my 300 is fantastic. Trackhawk, I’m looking your way buddy!

Congrats! You earn the coveted “fuckhead of the day” award for politicizing an interesting discussion. Make sure to take a selfie with your participation trophy.

Ummm, who exactly is this protecting? Shouldn’t drivers watch out for pedestrians in crosswalks? If you jaywalk, you stupidly put your life at risk so if you get hit its on you. I’m just not following the validity of this.

Ummm, what is each car worth dollar wise? I mean an F15 will beat a Hellcat but the $/power ratio comes into play at some point.

So, is this just a case of we take the Russians word on the specs?

Congrats on being the fucktard that politics up an interesting read. You have to be one of those people who think their snarky comments are cute and funny but in reality everyone thinks your an asshole.

We can just sit back and let the asshole douchebags politicize a tragedy. The same people howl in faux pain on a daily basis from thier basements about how “their lives” are being ruined by the current political state where in reality it has zero effect on them. Tiring, very tiring.

I don’t care what plan is put together as long as it makes EVERYONE pay, not just a select few and others get a free ride or are heavily subsidized. I love it when people just think there is a f’ing money tree where these programs pluck funding from.

Why are there Bentley badges on the back of a Viper?

Wait a minute, I have been reading that voting machines are stand alone with no network access and the actual attack was phishing emails. What are we to believe?

Exactly this. Besides, why should we believe anything that is said anymore? EVERYONE has a f’ing agenda and NO-ONE can seem to report facts. Left, center, right...they all lie. Don’t trust anything as so called “journalists” lie like a rug and twist everything yo fit thier petty agendas. Oh, and don’t get me started

With the exception of a LinkedIn profile I don’t do any form of social media. I just can’t imagine dedicating any time to it as it would be a complete and utter waste of time. Reading a few online blogs is the extent of it.

OH, for what it is worth the truck commercials are worse. Every guy in them gets a stiffy over different paint colors. And don’t forget the guy kissing the front end of the white truck. Horrible in so many ways.

I can live with the bad ads as it’s expected from GM. It’s the beard/man-bun that is horrifying. But, at the very least we are able to identify true asshat douchebags as they proudly use this shitty fashion trend.

This may be, but the scientific community whom altered data pretty much did it in for a lot of people. Scientists are supposed to deal in facts with no agenda, (I should include all journalists in this but we all know that’s a lost f’ing cause). How do we actually believe anything we are told now? Go ahead with the

You were replying to IDM3, there was no mention of 25 minutes in his/her post.

Where did it say 25 minutes? Mine takes 90 minutes every 5 days this time of year. And yes, I count that as one of my workout sessions during the week. Anyone that does thier own lawn in Florida knows what I’m talking about.

You do understand that subs are mobile, correct? They do not stay in one place and are always moving. This article is rap, Just another dipshit click bait piece of garbage so the author can get his name out there. So tiring....