So, you would sell them so they would possibly be right back on the streets? Who in the fuck needs a 4 wheeler in NYC?
So, you would sell them so they would possibly be right back on the streets? Who in the fuck needs a 4 wheeler in NYC?
I will scoff at this, you mean to tell me that if 50,000 people went into dealerships to order these they would be told “No, it’s a super low production car”. They would whore themselves out and build every one. People just don’t have an interest in a sedan that looks like a rental car.
I converted from Ford/GM products in the early ‘90's and have never been happier. Bash all you want, because you are a loud mouthed fucktard but people have their own opinions and that is mind of you. I like the JCK and considered the SRT before I bought my 2nd 30o SRT. I wouldn’t touch a product from the murdering…
Thank you! It’s funny how people are all over FCA like flies on stink for the smallest thing but refuse to talk about government motors blatantly killing 145 people and trying to cover it up or how Ford seems to lie about thier fuel mileage. No, the big news is a yellow pick up...
You sir, are an absolute fucktard. What is your stance on street racing?
This was already covered ad nauseam on Gizmodo:
I just park at the other end of the lot. You know, the area where the obese, mouth breathers won’t park because they can’t walk that far. It’s amazing here in Florida, they pass out handicap passes like candy. I was at a Mexican restaurant wife my wife once eating on the outdoor patio and a “bro truck” parked in the…
Why is this in Jalopnik? If I want to read bullshit political click bait articles, Gawker has that covered.
Being from Florida, Bill just needs to shut his fucking mouth and focus on local matters here such as our suck education policies. Drives me nuts to think Bill, Corrine Brown and Windbag Wasserman Schultz are from here. Lord, help us all!
Exactly, another half assed article written as click bait. I’ve been on flights in the back of the plane and clapped with others as we pushed back from the gate after a delay.
Here is an idea, buy a second key when you get the set. Or, if you purchased used with only one key and no paperwork buy a new set and get the second key. I actually had a stealership try to keep the one out of my wife’s car. I went back and they brought out a box of wheel lock keys saying they were left behind. Funny…
Absolutely! Someone needs to get in his face and tell him “karma’s a bitch”. This is one person who is truly just a piece of shit...
Wow, talk about a glass half empty. I bet you are an absolute joy to hang with! We could sit down and you can tell me all about how we are doomed, doomed I say!
Boyd Coddington was the biggest f’ing ashole to ever grace a TV screen and Duane was cut from the same cloth. Karma’s a bitch!
Way to force your opinion on others, pompous asshole. I think douchebags that tell others what they should do because it doesn't align with thier thought process should take a sledgehammer to the genitals.
Oh the hilarity! They are complaining about how much thier car pollutes but are driving the SAME polluting car across country spreading particulates as they go. Just a couple of hypocrites looking to get thier faces in the news.
I have had this happen a couple of times with our cats and I am very OCD. I first wanted to burn the house down but luckily it was limited a small room. They are pretty easy to disassemble and clean. Put some rubber gloves on, sacrifice a toothbrush to scrub with sanitizing soap and buy a new brush and filters.…
Why not either a small in large paper clip depending on the size of the zipper? Works for me.
After being burned by both Ford and GM produc I moved to Chrysler products in 1994 with a new Dodge Shadow my wife and I ordered fully loaded with the V6. We have since ordered the following new vehicles with the only issue being a blown rear end in the Dakota.
I have a weird issue after purchasing a Dell XPS 8900 with Windows 10. YouTube videos stream and play fine but sites like Pornhub or Xvideo only buffer about 30 seconds and stall out. I'm hitting my head against the wall on this so if anyone knows of a solution or a forum it would be greatly appreciated!