What kind of hellish media market doesn't already show Jeopardy?
What kind of hellish media market doesn't already show Jeopardy?
If it makes you feel better, you an see Allyne topless in People Places Things.
It's in the musical tradition of broad-stroked characters.
It was the Great Migration. White people don't have a fucking clue how to make good music on their own.
How good was the photography for Revenant? Because I though Mad Max was one of the most beautifully shot movies I've ever seen like up there with conformist.
I thought FC4 was gorgeous, unfortunately I got stuck on the last shangri-la mission and there's only one save slot so I haven't played it in like a year.
Now I get why 'the last day I can get this' joke works.
I was irrationally annoyed by the fact that Fischer and her attorney didn't meet in a private area
I like Joan Rivers description of him, "lucky."
I think I'll skyrocket to number one. I think that student film I was in is a six year sleeper.
I like how NPR had a hispanic women tell us honkies what was going on with that.
She made it a true daily double with only $200. She's not good with waging.
I'm an anarchist and reject the concept of money, but I'm here to kill some time as I try not to think of the monotony of wage labor.
I bet he was pissed when he saw Matt Jackson.
April headline: Cartoonist gives up boring goal after 3 1/2 months
How the fuck did you find this? There are 1,200 views and the channel has 17 subscribers.
So it ended with a brutal rape?
I can't be the only one who heard cardboard hero instead of carport hero.
Not to mention that confession came from a 16/17 year old with the awareness of a pre-teen.
Final Jeopardy got me to look up what a gnu actually sounds like. And holy shit, it's funny. https://www.youtube.com/wat…