
I liked it

Yes! And when Poe himself, Mr. Damn The Torpedoes, was like “Shit, this is stupid as hell, let’s get the fuck outta here!”

When the plucky band of misfits with tiny, beaten-up shitmobiles can’t actually defeat the vastly superior technology of their evil foes and have to, like, sneak out the back.

And that list pretty much sums up why this is damn near Empire’s equal, blew my expectations away like a lightspeed jump ripping ships to silenced shreds

I feel like you missed the best one, where Poe Dameron, dashing space flyboy, pulls a mutiny on the cold and frigid new commander who’s obviously not as a good a choice as him in his own mind, and it turns out he’s the asshole, not the hero.

Also known as a list of reasons why this movie ruled. And I guess it’s also a pretty accurate list of reasons why so many Real Fans™ hated it.


Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

WARNING: lots of thoughts, lots of text.

I don’t like him.

Jalponik is one of the last to do a write up on this guy. He’s been getting blasted by the media for decades.

drive a 10 year old MB? rich asshole

He’s black.

I’ve had bad experience with cabs. Go to the front of the cab line, the guy won’t open the door. Asks me where I want to go, so I tell him. It’s a short ride, instead of the $40 airport fare he wants. He says, “No go.” I go to the next cab in line, the guy gets upset and gets out to talk to the guy at the front of the

Industries standards can be wrong. Toyota simply lost the marketing war.

Number one... there is no “issue” with the LC500. I have watched a number of reviews calling it perfect. It drives magnificent and that V8 engine is a masterpiece a better engine then the engine in the M4. The LC500 weights a lot because thats it’s natural character it’s a big high class luxury coupe before anything