Alessandro A. - Red

That joke was rhydon

oh my god, EXACTLY! The animations are SO weird.

I wanted to flame you for being anal, but I remembered that after I played Mass Effect, I was completely bothered by Lost Odyssey's movement animations. Whereas Mass Effect characters had natural movement and momentum when walking and running around, Lost Odyssey characters had the generic stop-and-go stiffness of

I was looking at the comments looking for someone else to point that out lol. Looks like they are are doing baby step running, looks awkward as hell. Still cant wait for this game.

am i the only one who thinks Megan Fox is a talentless hack?

Well, I lost some of my game progress...

The other big elephant in the room about this news is the fear that the Global Trading System used to transfer Pokémon between trainers is now full of 'fake' hacked Pokémon somehow injected into the game via dubious means—as this was a huge problem in previous generations. However, as of this writing, hackers have not

Probably because you have researched before buying products to make sure they were at least well received first, as most people do. If you like the MC products you own, that's good. But in the overall picture Madcatz has always been a spotty choice for accessories. You would be the only example of someone I've heard

*Bear Grylls voice* Here we see a wild controller in its natural habit stalking its prey... a potential buyer...

Ivysaur is my favorite :) I always pick grass starters and always will. Totally don't care about the numbers <3

i suspected that. now he's even more awesome.

Nice, although i don't connect madcatz with top notch products and this screen looks kinda gimmicky, i imagine it could get annoying, but volume indicator is a nice thing.

and it looks like from the star trek set.

Welll a lot of the people working in the media are likely parents themselves, so the fear that someone would blame parents like themselves causes them to deflect the blame. Plus, it's a lot easier to blame a source or a product with a company brand stamped on it that could potentially be banned. Blaming "irresponsible

My feelings exactly.

Maybe blaming the parent/s and labelling them as irresponsible or negligent could lead to a libel suit? The USA is that kind of country and unfortunately that litigious culture has been spreading across the world.

The majority demographic of people that watch/read news stories like this are the older generations (40 and older). Their viewers are the people that consistently complain about the newest trends, saying things like, "Things were fine in my day. We didn't need all this stuff!"

I don't typically like MMOs because they seem unfocused and like all of the side quests are just extraneous filler. Additionally transportation is always a chore.