A murder mystery in St. Olaf the town of nitwits would be must see tv.
A murder mystery in St. Olaf the town of nitwits would be must see tv.
I think she should have left Dylan when she found out Dylan hired a lawyer for Norman.
I thought her response was rather restrained really. Dylan's known for years his brother needs help. And now Norman's killed her mother.
I think Emma's coldness made sense. I mean her husband's brother murdered her mother. The baby's going to one day find out her uncle murdered her grandmother.
I have a friend whose brother is violent and has a long standing grudge against me (ok I deserve it). I've always joked the brother will one day become a serial killer. It just hit me me in this episode…this is what's going to happen…he's going to have to go to his brother's trial knowing he's always kind of always…
I'm kind of wondering if Norman gets found not guilty. Romero a fugitive murdered a man in Norman's house. I think Norman's lawyer could spin a story that Norman's been framed for everything.
Some are more cult like than others.
I hated her. I like the rest of the family but she was kinda blah.
Lost was a great show with a crappy ending.
i think this show about death and the afterlife has really been about time travel all along.
I could have sworn we saw her for a split second during a flashback on a trampoline…did I mis-remember that?
Yeah like God's going to tell them before he tells Jesus.
Keeping Jesus out of the loop is what I call a Dick Move. I mean I get not telling those little suck up angels. But dude you should be honest with your kid.
Can I get an Amen?
Lost was great when it was doing the ambiguity thing. When we got actual answers like sentient smoke monsters, a time traveling island, alternate timeline purgatory and a big magnet crashed the plane it faltered.
I think you're right…maybe the show is just going to claim there was also a sect in Australia in their fictional world.
for kooks they're actually lovely people
(I say that as an atheist)
My grandmother was convinced that the world was going to end in 2012 and that she was leaving in the rapture. She practically had a lady boner at the idea of all the sinners going to die horrible deaths.
My grandmother thinks gays are going to burn in hell. But she thinks she the rapists and murderers she reads the bible to when she visits our local prison are nice people who should be forgiven.
I think media shitstorms are less common in a post departure world. Your government slaughters creepy cult people who annoy you…you're probably not going to get outraged.