damn them for putting the real Nova in the cancerverse
damn them for putting the real Nova in the cancerverse
if Oliver had shagged Moira I could have understood…begrudgingly.
that would have solved everything. Shang Chi doesn't have the interesting K'un L'un mythology…but let's be honest…this show isn't making good use of it.
I feel like I've seen that show
white people don't think that way.
it was just one guy
Charles Manson agreed to be one as long as he didn't have to be the black ranger or the yellow ranger. Oddly enough he had no problem being the pink ranger.
Army Rangers vs Power Rangers should be a hit comic book.
the white guy that ran over Stephen King got off without jailtime. I kind of wonder if Stephen King had him murdered.
didn't one of the power rangers guest stars kill a couple and tie their bodies to an anchor and throw them in the ocean?
I'm all for thief murder.
the time travelers warning Al Gore is what CAUSED 9/11
*Zordon shakes head in disgust*
I was thinking Caprica Six from Battlestar Galactica
it's perfectly cromulent
something something shut your whore mouth something something
I'm wondering if she might be a combination of the two.
that's one of my favorite awful movies
Matt and Chuck are friends from the Special Olympics.
sex scene