
I think a lesser show would have created the drama with the couple not being sure if they should go through with that wedding on the wedding episode. I liked that the problems they had in the episode didn't revolve around them not being right for each other. They'd weathered those storms and were finally in sync.

yes but after this long shouldn't your therapist have gotten you to the point where you deal with the world without paying for therapy every month? I mean think about how much money you could have saved for a relaxing vacation every year?

I get that a lot.

the difference between a crisis line and this situation is that you would not be paying a bill every week (2 weeks? Month?) for 8 years straight.

well…I'm against a new member on principle. But I will allow Keith David and his mellifluous voice.

The few times I remember

yeah it's been implied he knows it. When they did that episode where they worked at the oldies cafe Charlie brought up the fact that Dennis didn't know it.

I guess Dennis wasn't going out like Dorothy Zbornak and hug everyone.

right. Like when they did that on That 70's Show when Eric left.

Have we seen Ryan and Liam since the Thanksgiving fire at Dennis and Mac's apartment? We know they're not dead since the other McPoyle relatives didn't mention them being dead during that trial where the lawyer got attacked by a bird. But do we know if they were horribly burned? Cricket was burned but Bill Ponderosa

from The Gang Buys A Boat

I liked all the ones you listed.

good finales
"Charlie Got Molested
Dennis and Dee Get A New Dad
The Nightman Cometh
Dee Gives Birth (well I loved it…anytime Dennis bellows about gods I'm down)
The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang's Revenge
The Gang Squashes Their Beefs
The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Two

yes but I don't want to get into your personal business.

after 8 years of therapy at least one of you should have moved on by now.

I think it's kind of fucked up that Brian Jr. is named after the guy that was murdered outside the bar.

and I accept him…but he's still the new guy over 10 seasons later.

honestly I thought this episode would have worked for a series finale. I don't want the show back if one of the gang leaves. Or worse gets a new member.

I'm hoping season 13 starts with all of them better off in life…it's only when they reunite that their lives turn to shit.

I hate to say it…but I want Dennis to raise his kid.