
*raises hand meekly*

I don't think Belinda's that great a person. She did take credit for biscuits she didn't buy.

well no one got hurt…

Did the other principal have a hispanic nanny or a lesbian lover

counts on fingers…I count 4. Belinda, her 2 boys and DeShaun. Who is the other one?

I don't want the show to make Dr. Brown the hero even if Lee and Russell are the villains. She can be a total witch and I don't want her to just be their victim.

For some reason I keep expecting this show to end sort of like the Reese Witherspoon movie Election.

A vice principal who slips LSD to the football team to get them to lose might be psychotic

He reminds of Crab Man from My Name Is Earl

is Belinda's oldest son Earl from Me, Earl and the Dying Girl?

I heard it the other way

I thought she was really good in the scenes with her bratty children

I love Belinda.

I was rooting against Belinda but I loved her this episode…particularly with her bratty children

everyone is better on Mr. Robot. Except Ollie…I liked him better on that show that exploited Indians.

at this point I think Elliot is a lot like Roger from American Dad…he doesn't remember previous episodes

I love that movie…

yes but Joiie isn't the hot one

No but that one drug dealer girlfriend did end up with a slit throat and stuffed in a trunk

long lost cousin