
that is an almost uncanny description of my grandfather

You gave them all away

How did Mrs. Wellick get the baby?

Her boudoir looked like the room the aliens kept Dave Bowman in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

This is the show….things are already on fire.

I had a substitute teacher in High School who claimed he was the illegitimate son of Henry Winkler's brother.

My cat disfigured my dog with her claws. Life was gloomy.

That was just Rusty Venture

My aunt was married to a man, slept with her boss's husband at the hospital, got both of them fired, got divorced then moved in with lesbian friend…and proceeded to steal her girlfriend.

I'm thinking a neighbor of Belinda's will come forward and mention they saw a Student Driver car outside her house before it burned down.

I think it works. He's mildly sexist, mildly racist, he's not very competent and he's enraged when he doesn't get his way.

You should have devoted those 2 weeks to fucking shit up and losing all your files.

I didn't…I was the only child in the family…it was awful.

I voted for Kodos

I think Lee's still a little gay. He may only express it at rest stops and Sears restroom gloryholes but it's still there.

Russell's like a sassy Hannibal mentoring Will Graham.

He's padawan to Samuel L. Jackson

I think non teachers are easier to fire from school systems. I have a friend who was fired from her school system's IT department and she had been there 11 years.

Belinda big saladed Gamby.

With that kind of money…I'd have to give him a hard maybe.