
how hard is to glance over 259 comments? Really?

Well most self absorbed people think their opinion is shared with the majority and that because they have an opinion on something everyone who doesn't share that opinion is illogical. It's a common fallacy.

I think the guy who shot Gideon was just a loser who wanted to be famous for whacking someone famous. Apparently we have a lot of idiots who think that's a great thing to do.

I just took Angela's behavior as a reinforcement of what Elliot said last season about everyone being a program and having a bug. I think her job is soul crushing and she like Elliot needs to establish a routine to keep her sane.

Shayla was a drug dealer prostitute with a heart of gold!

I wondered about that last year. Like I don't think we've ever seen the parents and Darlene in a flashback together.

I could have sworn they said she was dead last season. Of course this isn't the show to expect we're being told the truth.

she puts her pant on one legs at a time,

I just sort of took both as the logical means you would manipulate people into doing what you need them to do while letting them think they're doing what they want to do.

I like both and can think of shows that are much more horrible.

yeah Tara on Buffy didn't die for being a lesbian…she just got killed for something that had nothing to do with her. Which to me is almost worse…it means her life was so irrelevant that she died to further someone else's story. If she was killed for being a lesbian then that would have been the end to HER story.

Selina Meyer blamed the Chinese. White Rose was not amused.

Are we sure he ever existed? Mind blown.

who wouldn't want to be friends with Craig Robinson. He's going to need a new connect what with Shayla dead.


I think he has always been talking to Obama. That's the twist. Obama is his imaginary friend.

Oh wow AVClub still covers things. I thought after they stopped reviewing Kingdom and Animal Kingdom they had just sort of given up.

can't you guys just agree you're both awful?

yeah to me while not totally obvious there was enough there to say no Naz probably didn't do it.

Who is this K person? Micheal K.Williams? He hasn't shown up yet!