
I took Vanessa's action to mean…"you're really evil but I genuinely love you and I want to explore this"

I really like Dracula and Vanessa as a couple…there I said it.

I think he's genuinely bored. He thinks the women's schemes are petty and beneath him.

yeah this one was a little weaker than usual

I would have forced them to leave after that food suggestion

I think she's an awful person who has done awful things to survive in a man's world

to me Donnie is the best non clone on the show.

I think I might be a horrible person but my favorite is Rachel.

Captured by Marion Boyles maybe?

she's usually right

I think the problem with Delphine is we never really got a good sense of who she is.

Helena: So Nyssa you like da women? I have Sestra you should meet. Oh you have Lazarus Pit? Very good she NEED Lazarus Pit.

they appear so sparingly I always forget who they are.

I kind of like to think of Adele as all surface. Which isn't an insult…I just think she really is as shallow and vapid as she presents herself to be and is comfortable enough in her own skin to admit she's shallow and vapid and enjoys being snarky.

Ryan was in finance? I thought that was just the lie he told so he could bang that chick in the first season.

I wish Lisa would come back. The longer they keep her away the more I'm worried they're going to pull a soap opera twist and reveal Lisa gave birth to a healthy baby and her dad's raising it.

no it's a suppository

he scores 7 and 8's…consensually I might add

she dresses him with her eyes

When Ben said that he reminded me of my father. And I knew he was right.