
she's such a Felicity.

god it takes me back to that summer in Mexico

I feel bad Thea's boyfriend got fridged.

Why can't we just add Nyssa and make it lesbian text

is a mountain or a monument?

no credits often don't get revised until the next season.

I always thought it was funny how Curtis and Jack acted like they were old friends when really they had met that one day back in season 4 and again in season 5.

Clark from The 100's going to be pissed. She killed hundreds last year in the season finale.

olicity's meant to be afterall

Oliver Queen you have failed that other city.

maritime law bitches

I hate most of the music so I don't really care.

I kind of hope Jamal dies…he tends to whine a lot. But Hakeem's still the worst of the 3 brothers.

I thought it was in character

as horrible as he is I still think he's less horrible than everyone but Mack and Fitz

Sometimes when I think of how horrible my mother can be I think of how horrible her own mother can be and it makes me feel lucky.

It's like when the Vorlon Shadow war ended and no one had anything to do for a season and a half of Babylon 5.

Vera was the reason I watched.

But I love Norma. She's like my mother but nicer.

yeah but that threat (the white walkers) didn't kill my hypothetical family…the wildlings did. I'd rather let the world burn than team up with people who have killed my family.