
I was always more interested in Charlie's story than the other characters. I kind of skipped last season I think.

I hate the main characters intensely so he never bothered me.

Marnie being Marnie…I thought his assessment of her being murdered in the future was accurate.

I gave up on this show a while back and it was on in the background…once I saw Charlie was back I stuck out the episode. This was probably the best episode the show has done.

but he wanted her to stay and still fuck Aslaug. It wasn't even he had an affair and cut it off…he wouldn't get rid of Aslaug. If he had she probably would have stayed.

Not liking Rollo's hair

Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein and Cruz is O'Brien.

I work with an African American republican.

as someone who hates Trump…Cruz terrifies me.

I think Black Adam would fit in a little too much at Marvel.

To me this show is kind of like that Far Side strip about what we say to dogs and what dogs hear.

Gemma's going to be possessed by a demon goddess and her hair will turn blue.

Dani Moonstar introduces them to the Demon Bear

Dincoln is here to emancipate your flowers.

they'll be back quicker than you can say Cleveland Brown

he's just one of the only elements that is watchable.

Hunter, Mockingbird and Fitz are the only reasons I watch. Now I have two less reasons to watch.

so like can they not even invite Mack over for dinner? The spy world is cold.

was she lying about Norman's father being an asshole? That's one thing I've never figured out…was he a shitty husband or was he a nice guy and Norma was just a shitty wife.

I work in my local DA's office.