
His mane of hair seemed even more Samson-esque than usual.

Zoom is Jay.

phah…original Flash series more interesting than Batman the Animated Series…lost your damn mind….grumble grumble

It's like he emotion raped them…

to be fair…I don't think Barry-2 will mind losing his father-in-law.

Barry 2: So you tied me up, got my father in law killed, watched my wife grieve and then you banged her?

Earth-2 Cisco is this year's mirror universe Kira Nerys

I kind of hope when they tell Barry-2 his father in law just died he laughs. Clearly Earth-2 Barry and Joe weren't close.

Earth-2 Barry is really Snapper Carr

Oh I'm sure we're going to get a Killer Frost visits Earth-1 episode.

I think the Jay we know is already evil.

I think it's Jay. Because we would never suspect there are 3 Jay's.

of all Earth 2 doppelgangers she most deserves to live. She's like slutty lesbian Kira Nerys. They just got to use her again.

one of them has to be Zoom. Why introduce Hunter otherwise.

They should have just revealed the trash man was Charlie Kelly Scully and been done with it.

The characters have gotten old really. The years have kind of sucked the passion out of Mulder while Scully's moved on from most of the horrors she experienced during the series like Emily, her abduction, her cancer, Melissa's murder, her dad's death. God they used to torture the hell out of Scully because they knew

I always got the impression Dana's mother was a kind loving woman while Fox's mother was harsh and distant after losing Samantha.

I love how even in absence Bill Jr found a way to be a dick.

I did like how Scully argued with Bill about the flight so they could remind us he was still a dick. No Bill I can't guarantee she won't die by the time you get here.

I think X-Files was a product of it's times but now it doesn't fit. Now we really do think the government is as horrible as they made it out to be on the show. Now you can find out anything on your smartphone. Now people nuttier than Mulder run for public office and win. Geeks are in.