
My dad's done way more drugs than I ever have (just pot a few times)…he always drew a firm line with Heroin. It's one he always refused to try.

I think that would work. Just because he was an evil guy back in ancient Egypt doesn't mean he wasn't already an ancient evil guy.

she's too tall for you Cisco

The Avengers once did this comic where they meet this cynical immortal kid and he basically tells them…I never met anyone famous

because you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet

Oliver: Malcolm we trusted you.

I'm thinking Malcom Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage were all frat brothers together. They probably went to the same university everyone in the Venture Bros universe did or that one where Mr. Fantastic, Thing and Doom went to.

women do that all the time..and are sometimes right to do it if the father's family is too toxic.

Vandal Savage: I'm back to kill you Kendra. Where's Carter?

Thea: Hey guys is just me or does Colonel Mustard look a lot like Vandal Savage.

I loved Moira.

Lance: I know you took that polygraph Oliver…no one lies like you do. They asked you if the sky was blue and you said "No it's green".

Ciara Renee…rehasing of Colton Haynes acting

somehow I can't see Barry and Ollie hugging in the comics.

internet: Oliver was wrong to lie to Felicity.

why couldn't he take a few days to sort through his feelings about it before telling Felicity?

oh god her name is Shantel. God I hate that name.

I think Moira got Samantha to realize that at that time Oliver was not ready to be a parent. Samantha could have told Oliver and then not be surprised when the kid falls off the family yacht after Oliver partied too hard.

they make action figures for actual serial killers in our world

I agree with that being Moira's motive. But when someone does something shitty to you you don't always see how they justify it and you make up another reason in your head for it.