
I was on Abby's side. I think she had to know if he was bad as Charlie said he was for her sons sake. Once she realized he was worse than she thought she did the right thing.

I too thought that was odd. Of course he would make him say the whole thing.

I assumed he was up front about it being for the Brits.

I think so too.

That's one thing I always loved about Fred on Angel. Gunn and Wesley were both kind of obsessed with her but she was more than just someone for them to fight over or a super nerd I thought. I always felt like they put a lot of thought into her character. She was a tad insecure about how skinny she was, she liked the

I will admit even though Ward has annoyed me constantly I do like the episodes that delve into his pathology.

I do. He seems too weak to be treacherous.

I will say this was the best use of Ward since season 1. He was horrible in season 2 and this season before now.

I didn't know there was another Ritter brother until I saw the actor and said he's got to be John Ritter's son.

I don't even like the show and even if I have to admit this episode was good.

I thought he put Mack in charge because he was competent. I mean seriously the others are kind of incompetent.

well you crapped on one show I don't care for and another I don't watch…so I'll allow it

no that's never how it has been. Several Inhumans have worthless powers.

I blame the windows. You're a spy…surely you could have some sort of bulletproof glass.

if they killed everyone on the show and kept Constance Zimmer…I could have lived with that.

er…I don't really like this show…but even I thought this was a good episode.

yeah but you know they had to get Oliver to save that girl that Cisco has no chance of ever sleeping with,

I think he's all those things…but that's what makes him work. That is the effect the actor is going for…he's trying to make this character as cheesy and over the top as possible.

sometimes I think Jay might be a jerk but they don't show him enough for me to be sure.

Yeah you have to watch Flash to see the Oliver has a kid subplot. Weird.