
why would he dream of Wayne…they didn't meet did they?

Because he's sick of hearing about people shitting on Neil.

I loved her on Angel. But you know every other time I saw her in something she was kind of bland acting wise.

Great world building. Middling characters.

To me the only interesting characters are the Japanese Trade Minister and the Obergruppenfuhrer.

I know I kept thinking I could be watching The Man In The High Castle.

Her hair is on point

I'm not saying that the show is great (it isn't)

Out of the Badlands wasn't as catchy

I agree with the spoon nonsense guy.

Wasn't Patty incorrect when she said John Wilkes Booth was anti-slavery. I think he was quite outspoken in his support of slavery.

I half expected the first slayer to pop up and say Death is Your Gift while the cheese man told Kevin he does not wear the cheese

I liked Riley on Buffy…can't stand Will/Nuke

Only if they have the original group. I hate all the later members.

But if you like Lesbians we've still got you covered

She's a great grandmother now

I still think the Illiuminati created Twilight to make women dim and pliable. In older times they just gave women makeup with lead in it.


That's not always a bad thing. The villain who has no redeeming values doesn't have to have a sad backstory to make you feel bad for them. He's just a bad person who likes hurting people.

Agent Sad Emoticon Gets No Respect I Tells Ya