
Sara's new roommate is Oliver's unnamed baby momma from season 2 who now lives in Central City.

of course a shitty DJ would moonlight as a shitty ninja. It's almost logical.

Alex: Thea I didn't want to betray you this way…but I'm working for Damien Darhk.

Well one boyfriend was a hero and another was a mole for the League of Assassins.

Felicity: I'm stuck…and one of my shoes fell off

He didn't fit…but they also didn't know what to do with him. For several episodes he would kind of disappear…like the lawyers and agents were in negotiations so he had to sit the episodes out until they knew what they would be doing with him.

her timing is inconvenient…so she's destined to be a mother in law.

next year's flashback is Oliver becoming a chef in Paris

I don't think Barry would care enough to come to his funeral…or anyone else in Oliver's circle but Felcitiy

One thing that this show does that proves Oliver is nothing like Batman. Oliver is an idiot.

Diggle If you invite you're wife it's not weird.

That's very…small.

Grandpa Simpson: Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which
was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only
thing you could get was those big yellow ones…

Ray's in his bathroom.

He was great on Justified.

Next year Oliver has a threesome with Donna Smoak and Dinah Lance.

Oliver: I don't like this.
Quentin: I didn't like you banging both my daughters.

Quentin: Welcome to the family Felicity. Your boyfriend's slept with both of your new step-sisters.

Maybe with Captain Lance getting lucky he can be more relaxed.

I think Laurel's been fine this season. Now that Laurel has settled into the Black Canary role she's not as annoying as she used to be (Thea is another one who has improved).