
Karla Sofen. She may not be the psychiatrist they need but she's the one they deserve.

You know what you never see on this show? Purple.

I'm just trying to imagine Darth Vader threatening Powers Booth with his fancy Telekinesis and Powers Booth beating the shit out of him and running the deathstar in an hour while the Emperor acts as his valet.

do we even know he's evil yet?

Skye became less unbearable when she stopped being Skye. I don't know what it was but becoming Daisy made her 50% more tolerable.

The show needs to keep Zimmer on. I can finally watch Coulson scenes without dozing off now that someone interesting is there to talk.

I have a black friend who swears Tupac was killed by the Illuminati because he wouldn't sleep with Quincy Jones.

I don't think black people like to make puns about lashes.

I like Lightning Bro.

Why are you assuming Simmons's planet has something to do with the 9 worlds (and thus Ragnarok) as opposed to the Kree/Inhuman stuff they've been building up all along (or another non mythological alien species).

I was fine with the motive. Hopefully it will pacify that poster from last week who was upset Andrew was somehow both black and a villain on television.

Agent May's mother….

there's a sex joke in there somewhere I just know it.

Is someone pulling Andrew's strings?

Bobbi: I don't want you chasing after Ward again.

I think Will got replaced by a dire wraith…they like dark planets, wearing drab clothing and replacing people after they eat their brains.

He becomes Karnak and can see the flaw in his acting ability

Oh well spider babies disappear after the devil annuls the marriage

I always bought Sam and Carla…because Sam would never sleep with Carla.

I've never warmed to Fitz and Simmons as a couple because it just seems exactly like (wini)Fred and Wesley on Angel. Wesley was my favorite on Angel, Fitz became my favorite on this show right away. So I've always seen this Fitz/Simmons stuff hanging around like a bad cloud.