
Look how our military is full of gays now. And weaklings who whine all the time. Instead of MEN like their were 50 years ago when the “children” were punished properly and taught to obey!! So ya you can keep your pansy asses, I’ll take the guy that got his ass chewed for leaving the wrong door open, next time he’ll

Right, everyone is looking to screw everyone, and go crying to the teacher. He called me tall!!!! Bo ho!! Call his parents and have him suspended. Omg, he told me to be quiet on the set cause I don’t shut up, let’s sue!!! Oh brother. This BS is getting out of hand.

Unless your the boss

Exactly, howeverto an extent he’s right, if you reseawech history the earth goes through this cycle every 150 years or so. And we didn’t factories 150 years ago......just saying

You think that’s bad? I’ll just go out on the line here and let know another bombshell, Wal-Mart’s POS still runs on Windows 98. Even the new self checkouts.... they claim it would cost billions to switch, it works don’t fix it.......

Yeah I deleted my account about 4 years ago now. Just wondering when it’ll go the way of my space

Yeah he does, he works his butt off, some say he is actually a robot from the future in disguise. And damn, now he’s doing Johnny deppsex wife, that little hottie. He’s got his hands tied.

Well your not getting 770k is the issue, you wreck it you get retail insured value. Basically if that car was 5k NEW in 69, throw a bit of inflation, maybe 15 to 20k If your lucky. Insurance company isnt going to insure your stupid inflated purchase, just the value of the car.

Younger generations will be so indoctrinated with phony climate change they’ll melt their grandpa’s muscle car, and spend 5 times the money on a Toyota prius their mom had. Tricked out prius on auction only 770,000, could be yours today! Top speed only 75mph! Batteries not included haha!

Yes unfortunately millennials will most likely give the country away to China, and say communism, isn’t that what Obama tried? Hey my parents are gone dude, so let’s try that, yeah man! IT sounds totally cool! Then we can just sit around and do nothing and get paid for it. Yeah man, and smoke weed all day to man.

That was democrats my friend, not republicans. It’s called obummercare. Unless your referring to Canada meds, then your speaking of a move to bring money back to America in a “hail marry” (kinda dumb) move to get more money at home. Good intentions, also after 9/11. Soooo.... That probably contributed... however my

I’m on US SEARCHED PAGE UP AND DOWN it’s not there

I can’t even find it. Google must have removed it now.

Torpedo away!!

Apparently he only likes white girls. The word is hes worse than harvey in the latest gossip news. (Rolls eyes)

Oh well, theyll find someone else. They always do. Just throwing away cash is all shes doing.

Barack likes men that look like women. So hes good.

People really need to keep in mind that not a damn one of these allegations against any of them has actual ever been proven. Not to mention woman use sex CONSTANTLY to manipulate and get what they want. And when it’s time they turn on you like a hornets nest. It’s just the old hate and switch. Who cares anymore. If

Except for PayPal, They piss me off! They’re not regulated by the FDIC, and they should be. They handle MILLIONS of transactions daily, and their not even setup with the FDIC. They just screwed me out of another $1500. After their supposed buyer protection, that’s actually just crap, you don’t have any protection AT

I disagree, I think He does care, if he didn’t we would have already bombed NK. Cause he OBVIOUSLY is trying to bring the US back to being the US and not the world puppet like Obama made us. He doesn’t care what other country’s think anymore, Jerusalem for instance, great great move by the US, not concern what others