
As a parent I can understand why the guy lost it a little, endanger my kids and the "daddy reflex" kicks in (my kids are 5 and under, not almost adults like the 17 y/o here). Hopefully I'm sane enough to be a better person than this guy was.

Every geek named Katie that reads this blog just got excited... probably over nothing. Way to get their hopes up pal!

So it's a video blog with the guise of being a weather app...

Just grabbed it:

@NjMatt: Oh come now, not every single character can be perfect. He had a role to fill and that role was to be an annoying side character... I think he filled that part well :)

You had me at "porn mag"

Am I the only one that took Episodes I-III and didn't attempt to compare them to the originals?

@Paul Chabot: Absolutely. He obviously put a lot of work into making it look the way it did, even starting with a GREAT base. He likely put more time into modding that thing than most people put in their entire costumes.

@JakeMG: Superbole: I was thinking the same thing, that is one LOOSE hen.

Wow, just wish I'd known about this about a week ago. Had a stack show up on my doorstep and go straight to the recycle bin.

Will the real Steve Jobs please stand up? Please Stand up? Please Stand Up.

@notbenjamin: "Let's see what mama has to say on the subject"

@Lucanos: And you'll also probably never leave your tech anywhere that it'll get stolen. Overkill in my opinion, but kudos for going all the way :)

@tombuch: It wasn't prey, but I'm certainly going to try it. I just wish I could remember what the software was called :)

Years ago I had an application on my laptop that would log IP addresses any time my laptop booted, uploading the data to the server. I could use the client to specify what data and what kind of wipe would occur if I tagged the laptop as stolen. It was free and I had it on a few computers. Now years later reading this

@Celtic1888: I have a shot almost exactly like that over the toilet in my guest bath with a quote of Isaiah 66:12 "I will extend peace to you like a river..." *wink* just to see if anyone notices. Disappointingly in 5 years no one has said anything about it.