Red Plastic Mac

Yeah, wow, Efron’s is standard industry movie-selling but that is some awful shit to say. Yuck. So ghoulish.

Oh it was very obvious he had a huge ego; but he managed it well. Disagree that had much to do with the Yankees—plenty have come through there and poorly mismanaged the media and themselves. You’ve got to be the one that wants it a certain way.

No, the point is that he blamed “PC culture” for a dumb sports decision. Not that he tweets too much (of course he does) and not that he’s right or wrong on the substance of what happened.

I think she’s very clearly claiming “no way” while walking the investigations forward every opportunity she/ they get. If those deliver us all to a point where its an obvious step and the polls start to support it, she can say “investigations have shown that we have no choice” and she never looks like she was

One of the innumerable gifts of this administration: we are now governed by a Gold-Plated Hot Take Sports Fan and all that comes with it. He’s zero notches above a WFAN caller.

Can you point us all to the spot where this site blamed yesterday’s events on PC culture? Because, as I’m sure you’re aware, that’s the fucking point of this post. Not that they’re both objecting to the overturn itself.

My Mom when My Girl came out: You’re not seeing that movie.

...and change the uniforms like every year, and tear down a fun part of the ballpark to make everything a bit more corporate and “classy” and Yankees-y, and install a smug asshole that’s a hero to another region to condescendingly run your team and blame you for not loving it...

This is another one of those moments when I’ve started to think “wow, this sports writer/ sports-adjacent writer seems kinda ok, maybe likable?, and not a fucking classic rock loving Springsteen obsessed dingus” and then they express their opinions about culture and I want to stab them in the face.

lol “Dave Butz”

I have no idea where or why you’ve moved the goalposts this time but I do have support for writers writing critiques of art and culture and no support for someone weaponizing Me Too because a couple bloggers gently criticized her dress. I also have no support for sub-moronic arguments in support of anything and find

Of course you could. This is the same kind of thinking that argues Game of Thrones “has to” show rape because “thats the reality of that universe” or whatever way its phrased. Art is (in part) about perspective and focus. What goes in, what gets left out, and from where we’re seeing the action.

I don’t even watch basketball but dude the way that fucking guy’s beard is contoured, coming all the way out from his face such that it eclipses his damn mouth makes me want to fucking break something.

and yet another on Bruce Banner eating a Hulk-themed Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor.

Wonder if its at all related to the screen name he’s posting under!

Well let’s see, to answer your question I
—did read the original post, and
—fully understand sarcasm


Yeah, how unnatural for her to like it when people say nice things about her and dislike when people call her look “fucking ugly.”

I could be wrong, but I think Gillibrand came out and said he needs to answer for it. I think you didn’t catch it because no one is catching anything Gillibrand is saying; she’s getting absolutely buried.

He’s got no chance whatsoever and I hope he gets out sooner than later. Even without this baggage, the guy has tried and failed to get a nomination pretty conclusively multiple times. He’s just a terrible candidate. I’d have the proverbial beer with him and all but he is the definition of an empty suit.