

“I do not understand Americans. You want what you don’t have, and you don’t want what you do have. It seems to me that you would be happier if you wanted what you already have, and simply don’t want what you don’t.”


Soooooo tell me again what issues your project Jeeps all have in common?


First car is an MGA...

..but I’m not sure Car Week should count here! That’s just too easy! soon as she’s checked the exhaust (she’s not sure if the Cat’s dead or alive)

I honestly think the new Vantage looks hideous from the front.

The front bumper still looks bad. Like a gaping maw.

I know a guy that knows what it is. Would you believe it started life as a 1969 Corvette? A one-off custom build.


Now playing

God these turbo engines sound like ass... Here’s something to cleanse your ears.

“Come Together, Right Now, Over Me.”

Sorry about your doggy.

huh, I get that when I play it forwards too

based on the headline, I’d say an older pickup truck and start your country music career

Playskool is about right. I think it was done to impress the youths, but made the car look much cheaper and flimsier. When I saw it the first time I thought it was a preproduction vehicle without the normal cluster installed.

This is some great content and one of the things that I think Jalopnik should do more often.

I hope so. The guys I bought it from were also planning on making it into a lemons racer (but didn’t really end up touching it) but whoever owned it before them CLEARLY had some love into the car. Many of the engine accessories were newish and in very good condition, the radiator was a very very nice aftermarket unit,