
For my next computer build, I'm planning on getting an internal SSD and using some sort of external hard drive for everything else, and I'm trying to decide between a USB3.0 hard drive or a NAS hard drive. I really like the idea of being able to access a NAS drive from multiple devices and using an Android app, but

Yeah, I view it as a form of gambling. You might get a big payoff. You might throw a lot of money at it and walk away with nothing. I'm kind of surprised it's legal.

I know the question was about tethering to a laptop, but just throwing this out there since I don't think a lot of people know it—it's pretty easy to use bluetooth to tether an Android phone to an Android tablet. It's just a matter of pairing them and then finding a checkbox in your tablet bluetooth settings. I have a

As far as I'm concerned, this is true of files too. I'd much rather search for a file than try to remember what folder I categorized it under.

You don't need to root to install a "non approved app." You can install any APK without rooting. It's just that some functions can only be manipulated by an app with superuser access, because they can break things.

Make sure your bedroom doesn't have an East-facing window unless there's a building or trees blocking it. I learned that the hard way. It wasn't a problem until daylight savings time, but then I had to buy figure out how to put up blackout curtains without putting big holes in the wall.