No Kids Just Bikes

Talk about mean! This picture is a crime against humanity.

Username/comment synergy!

That’s the skiing version of dumping Elizabeth Banks for Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Drivers who get behind the Valiant: not as cheery.

I find his mannerisms to be exceptionally annoying and borderline obnoxious; you’re not alone.

Thank god they didn’t know my friend Brandon was in the car.

The Lexus was just soooo boring. This Valiant cheers me up every time I get behind the wheel, and that has a lot of value to me.

Aren’t new Broncos incredibly hard to buy for anything close to MSRP? Seems like a false comparison. Ford is selling every vehicle they can build and it’ll likely be years before supply catches up with demand. That’s when you can make a true sales comparison with the Wrangler.

Also If you don’t have a drive and can’t charge at home, a longer lasting battery will mean less time hanging out at charging stations.

Amtrak is a government service”

It snowed = no global warming, science is wrong.”

Good plan, but you should have someone else pick your cars. You picked three of the worst in their respective categories in a row.

We are talking about Yahoo, right?  Sometimes things hit a little close to home.

Oh. Do you drive a Tesla?

I can’t fault the core logic.

...but a PA tag is a signal to others that you can’t merge.

The first time I drove through PA, I noticed a sign that said “Beware of Reckless Drivers” and it really cracked me up.

Not sure what wasn’t to like about these:

The banks saw how well letting people speculate with very little down worked out in the early to mid aughts.