No Kids Just Bikes

Meanwhile my ‘86 4Runner will continue to exist with rusty 3/4 panels.

That is mean. Hilarious but mean. To me. 

I just have to get my edges sharp enough to shave with. Right? Right?

I was 50 minutes from Winter Park, so I still have my Ikon Pass. Snowshoe is about as good as it gets in the Southeast and it is on Ikon.

I grew up in North-Central West-By-God. I know Snowshoe, and I knew it pre-Intrawest. Winterplace is close enough that I can blow off work and head up and back in a day. Snowshoe is 3 hours away and Canaan/Timberline are 3.7 hours.

Perfectly timed. I moved from just-west of Denver to Virginia and am planning my first trip to Winterplace this week. What horrors may come. 

I find DeMuro’s videos tedious and somewhat annoying...but I just bought a GTI on CaB. It was a pretty great experience. I just wish his site had an RSS feed so I could check it a little more frequently. 

I am a full 100 miles from the nearest Whole Foods, and a decent ski resort is much farther. We have them here.

Also, sarcasm.

If had to have a brand new 4x4 convertible to cruise to Walmart I don’t know that I would buy a first-year Ford.

I feel like everyone is missing this bit. 


It’s uncanny. Moved to Philly out of college (WVU), then to San Diego, L.A., Denver, and now SW VA. PA is the worst. 

Compared to the competition it is not out line. More than I pay for bikes, but not out of line. 

You are doing a wonderful job convincing me you’re a total tool. 

Sure seems super cool. But also an additional failure point. I’m a bit conflicted. 

...but a PA tag is a signal to others that you can’t merge.

I just sent my buddy a canned ham with a note that says ‘Hammy New Year’.

I would gladly have shipped number 10 to him if JC Whitney made an aftermarket version.

Someone went to a lot of work to answer the ‘how could a harley trike handle worse’ question. 

I just googled the location. All my friends keep moving to Asheville. This is close enough to see next time I visit.