Acuna was right in the middle of the batter’s box, how far off the plate should he have been?
Acuna was right in the middle of the batter’s box, how far off the plate should he have been?
Needs more “yo’s”
On the worst fucking day of my life, had I encountered an African American person who did something I didn’t like, I’d still manage to not pull out a racist slur.
Grace Jones
So, according to Christians, is killing. That doesn’t stop a bunch of them thinking people who have abortions are worse than Hitler while soldiers who kill brown people are heroes.
I don’t need a degree in intersectionality to know that if you start a 100-yard-dash on the 90 yard line while I start at zero, our race isn’t equal even though we have an equal chance of winning it.
I know it hurts your fee fees, but you’ll feel better when you don’t get shot by the police for breathing wrong.
Way to make the article’s point.
Poll taxes were policy once, too.
If people thought the guy who followed the corporate sociopath route of Phillips Exeter Academy for high school and Harvard for college wouldn’t end up being a GOP supporter, they must be on crack.
Jesus fucking christ, you’re the weekend warrior type who ruins it for everyone else. Most people who join rec leagues (or even competitive leagues) do so because they love the sport and want to be active. Get your self esteem by succeeding in life, not by mangling yourselves or others in a meaningless game.
Denzel already knows he’s completely awesome, so he doesn’t need to fuck around outside the home or throw his weight around inside it.
Ashenvale scares me as the first character I ever rolled was Horde on a PvP server and Ash was the first place me and my buddies got subjected to serial ganking.
Ace of Spades is banned in my car as it will lead to 100 mph driving which will lead to tasing courtesy of the State Troopers.
I’m pretty fucking sure that when I was 17 I wasn’t saying the shit Hader said in private company, let alone broadcasting it like this. If he really did change, he should have said to himself “Who I was on Twitter at 17 doesn’t reflect who I am now, I need to delete that shit.”
I don’t think you said “liberal” enough.
Elon’s just pissed he couldn’t get Feist into that submarine.
“From: Larry Subramanian. Maybe you can host an Obama humping or liberal humping or unpatriotic humping party for them.”
Is 2014 one of the years with the shitty gaskets in the engine?
How does the process of buying one house while you own another work? Do you just have to have a bunch of money on hand to float for the transition time between when you buy your new house and sell your old?