Red Marquis

No! It's a movie prequel! Common mistake to be fair, just because comic started 80 years before…

There are literally DOZENS of us!

…and smokes weed.

Yeah, why watch some foreign films when you can watch the same formula over and over and over again like in all Marvel movies?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was much better for me.

So, The Hobbit IV: Sharknado?

This list has Silicon Valley and BoJack Horseman, so, yes, this is far far better list.

Yup, mine too. Thanks Gwen, for reviews!

No Silicon Valley, no respect!

-" I never really paid much attention". That's the only enjoyable way of watching The Walking Dead.

No, but to me he is epitome of wasted potential.

Illmatic was great, everything after that…weak.

..or 30 year old girl playing Andrea Zuckerman…

According to this reviewer, funny is when you try hard not to be offensive to anyone or anything. Look at this sentence "And a lot of the jokes from the end of the episode are about Steve the customer service guy, who is I guess funny if you have a pretty offensive view of people who work in customer service?

Do NOT bring back Sonya.

Philip K. Dick did't wrote Cocked, Mad Dogs is not a sequel to Down Dog…this is all too confusing, Amazon river!

Gotham is on TBS now?

So unpatriotic.

CBS CEO of Asexual hates him.

Oliviatremor is not completely off base here. Every lame CW show gets better grade, every moronic reality show gets better grades. I know, I know…different shows, different standards, different writers…but still.